LIBRO de caja

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Manuscripts Manuscripts LIBRO de caja (1821-1855.)     Objetos digitales / D2018-01 Obra completa / D2018-01 (A new window will open)

Section: Manuscripts

Title: LIBRO de caja [Manuscrito].]

Publication: 1821-1855.

Physical description: [79] h. ; 21 cm.

Notes: Enc. perg.

Type of publication: Manuscripts Manuscripts

Copyright: The Public Domain Mark (PDM):


Biblioteca Valenciana — Collection: BV Fondo antiguo — Location: BNP — Signature: Mss/212

Objetos digitales / D2018-01 Objetos digitales / D2018-01
Obra completa / D2018-01 (A new window will open) Obra completa / D2018-01