Manuale Valentinum ad sacramenta ecclesiae ministranda

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Books S. XVI Manuale Valentinum ad sacramenta ecclesiae ministranda (1592) - Iglesia Católica     Objetos digitales 1_Imag 1-123 (A new window will open) 2_Imag 124-246 (A new window will open) 3_Imag 247-369 (A new window will open)

Section: S. XVI

Uniform Title: [Rituale]

Title: Manuale Valentinum ad sacramenta ecclesiae ministranda

Publication: Valentiae : apud Petrum Patricium..., 1592

Physical description: [17], 326, [4] p., [1] h. de grab. ; 4º

Notes: Colofón
Sign.: [calderón]9, A-V8, X5
Port. con grab. xil. arzobispal
Port. y texto a dos tintas fileteados
Notación musical
Ilustración xil. en v. de calderón9, representando a Cristo
Disponible en microfilm

Subject / geographic / event: Sacramentos Icono con lupa
Sagraments Icono con lupa

Hierarchical place name: València Icono con lupa

Type of publication: Books Books

Copyright: The Public Domain Mark (PDM):


Biblioteca Valenciana — Collection: BV Fondo antiguo — Location: BV Carreres — Signature: XVI/589 — Nº de registro: 72456 — Código de barras: 508815

Issues notes:

Property and custody history:
     Ex-libris ms. Exlibris Franci Gavarró prebre

Property and custody history:
     Fondo Carreres

Property and custody history:
     Biblioteca Carreres

     Enc. piel fileteada en dorado

Objetos digitales Objetos digitales
1_Imag 1-123 (A new window will open) 1_Imag 1-123
2_Imag 124-246 (A new window will open) 2_Imag 124-246
3_Imag 247-369 (A new window will open) 3_Imag 247-369