La Chala : semanari festiu, se publica tots els disaptes

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Newspapers and magazines Galaxy Traca La Chala : semanari festiu, se publica tots els disaptes (1926-1935?)    

Section: Galaxy Traca

Title: La Chala [Texto impreso] : semanari festiu, se publica tots els disaptes

Publication: Valencia : La Chala, 1926-[1935?]

Physical description: v. : il. ; 45 cm

Current frequency: Semanal

Notes: Título tomado de la cabecera
Microfilme. Valencia : Biblioteca Valenciana, ca. 1990. 1 rollo de microfilme : negativo ; 35 mm
Descripción basada en: añ 2, n. 36 (22 chiner 1927)

UDC: 821.134.11-7

Other classifications: 0:[050.487:82-7]

Type of publication: Newspapers and magazines Newspapers and magazines


Biblioteca Valenciana
Collection: BV Hemeroteca — Location: BV Colección Valenciana — Signature: H3B-01-22


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